Connecting The Dots

Connecting The Dots

“you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.” 

Life is usually a mystery, especially for tomorrow. We never know what is going to happen to us later, but we will live it by time and learn from the past. What we will learn from connecting the dots is about the method to attach and link one dots to different dots, or we will call it one experience to a different one. Life is usually a mystery, especially for tomorrow. We never know what is going to happen to us later, but we will live it by time and learn from the past. What we will learn from connecting the dots is about the method to attach and link one dots to different dots, or we will call it one experience to a different one. 

Connecting the Dots- Steve Jobs

How can be? by connecting one experience to a different one, we will come up with a replacement idea for the way of living, for the large theme of your life, or even any potential life you’ve got.

Connecting the dots in your organization

One of the foremost powerful ways in a corporation during which communicators can contribute unique, strategic value is by connecting the dots in the organization.

Connecting the dots is about cultivating the habit of seeing the connections between problems, information, and trends which will otherwise seem unrelated on the surface. This mindset is about having the savvy to ascertain that what might appear to be a PR issue really has its roots as an indoor change management challenge, for instance.

The most successful, communication strategists have always followed the concept of “Connecting the dots”, and that they have eventually developed it as instinct. They appear at complex issues and situations happening in a dynamic public environment in a holistic, integrated fashion. This permits them to spot patterns, identify possible areas of risk, and point to make avenues for progress in maximizing opportunities for positive impact.

Connecting dots in the organization

Connecting the dots in your thinking

No matter what kind of leader you’re, it’s important that the knowledge you communicate and therefore the thinking you employ to interpret that information is sound.

When you can connect these dots together—the facts, the knowledge that you simply have received, the experiences that you simply et al. have—and the connection is obvious and consistent, then your foundation for conclusions are going to be strong. As a result, you and everybody else will believe. People are going to be ready to connect the dots.

Taking the foremost recent example-Covid 19, once we carefully hear those around us who are communicating with us- the politicians, scientists, media, friends, and family, there are suggestions and concepts rooted in facts and accurate information about what’s happening, what’s being measured, and what things are? You’ll believe in those leaders if their thinking is sound, it holds together, it’s consistent, and therefore the dots all connect.

Connecting the dots in your thinking.

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