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Let’s talk purpose with Vhesta!

Your platform to become a more purposeful version of yourself!

Discover your real purpose with Vhesta!

Your life’s purpose is the main motivation of life – the reasons you get up in the morning. A true purpose is about recognizing your own gifts and using them to contribute to the world – whether those gifts are playing beautiful music for others to enjoy, helping friends solve problems, or simply bringing more joy into the lives of those around you. Start your journey in discovering your purpose in life with Vhesta!
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The Purpose Blog

Here are some inspirational blog articles to endow your life with purpose and reveal how your life is meant to be lived.

The Purpose Hub

Here are some inspirational blog articles to endow your life with purpose and reveal how your life is meant to be lived.

Your “Why” matters

Finding your purpose is a lifelong journey. We are here to guide you to bring focus in your mind, purposefulness to your life, long term joy and may be short term problems!
Stay Focused
It becomes easier to focus on what matters the most in your life with Vhesta. By keeping the focus on one particular goal, you are able to find your direction and stay away from the distractions.
Infuse an element of grace in your life
People living their life with a purpose often report to be living their life with grace as well. When you commit to living your life with a purpose, amazing things can happen.
Feel passionate about your goal
Knowing your purpose with Vhesta helps you find your true passion, and the passion becomes an important driver for you to achieve something extraordinary.
Make life even more fun
When you know your purpose in life, you enjoy every minute of it. You are able to take pleasure in living a purpose-driven life, and are better at tackling every situation in a creative way.

Vhesta Circles

Vhesta Circles is a community of small groups who discuss about life’s purpose together. We believe in the power of ideas and frequent, face-to-face conversations to positively impact ourselves, and our communities. Vhesta Circles meet every two weeks and discuss a variety of topics to bring in a sense of purpose to create a healthier and happier life for yourself.